It's about that time again…
Just FYI, DocProject 1.6.2 RC had more downloads in the last month than any other version to date. Thanks to everyone who tried it and provided valuable feedback!
And BTW, I wrote a new article called How to Diagnose and Resolve Issues that provides guidance for gathering diagnostic information if you're having issues with DocProject and would like to try to solve the problem yourself or if you would like to ask for assistance. You can find other How To... articles here.
In the next version, 1.7.0, there are a number of really cool features that I think people will like, as well as some bug fixes that should solve the problem with Team Build and provide a better experience using the HTML Editor. In this blog post I'll show a preview of some of the new features and describe my plans for them in the future.
Like usual, please let me know what you think so that with your support I can continue to make DocProject a useful community tool.
New Features
- XML Documentation Editor
- API Topic (Shared Content) Designer Improvements
- Missing Dependencies List
- External UI (DocProject.exe)
I'm still testing and finishing up some other tasks, features and bugs. I'm running a bit late since I was hoping for a mid-July release, but a few of the features that I will describe below somehow snuck into this release (that seems to happen a lot with me ;). I'm also quite busy with work but I think I might be able to manage a deployment next week, without any showstoppers popping up. So far, things are looking good though.
XML Documentation Editor
The API Topic Management Dialog now supports authoring XML documentation (summary, remarks and example) for all API members, not just the project and namespace summaries. See Figure 1 below.
I've created a new control named, ContentEditor and another control named, ContentListEditor, which is used for the new and improved content dialogs: API Topic Management (Figure 1) and the API Topic Designer (Figure 4). As you can see in both figures, there are now two tabs at the bottom for switching between design-mode and source-mode and a list of items that can be edited. Only one item can be edited at a time by selecting it in the list. After editing an item its name becomes bolded in the list until you save your changes.
Note: The content editor control actually provides another tab named, Preview, which raises an event that controls can handle to provide read-only HTML based on the changes made in the editor. Because this feature has not been implemented yet the Preview tab is currently hidden at runtime.
Figure 1: API Topic Management – Xml Documentation Editor
Xml Documentation
Remember that this is an xml documentation editor, which means that tags such as see, c and code may be used in Source mode even though they won't be formatted in Design mode. Sandcastle uses these tags when it builds your documentation to apply special formatting or to link to other topics.
One feature that I plan on adding in the future is the ability to drag nodes from the tree onto the designer and have it serialize <see cref="{id}">name</see> automatically. I'd also like to show see links as hyperlinks in the designer, but maybe as green or using double-underline to distinguish them from normal hyperlinks. Another possibility is to use the stylesheets from your DocProject's or DocSite's selected presentation style and then format all of the xml documentation tags in the designer as they will appear in the compiled documentation.
Another feature that I plan on adding is API type-specific sections in the item list. In other words, if you select a method node to edit then the editor should automatically list each of the method's parameters next to summary, remarks and example. Tags such as permissions and seealso should be listed as well, although I'd like to open a custom editor interface for these tags.
Currently, you can add custom tags to the list using DocProject's configuration file (DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config, normally found in C:\Program Files\Dave Sexton\DocProject\bin), but they'll apply to every API element. I'd like to implement a feature that allows you to specify which sections apply to which API elements though (probably using DocProject's configuration file, partially shown in Figure 2 below).
Note: Do not confuse the DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config file with the DocProject.exe.config file (I'll explain more on that below) located in the same directory.
Figure 2: DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config xmlDocumentationTags attribute
HTML to XML Conversion
I've made a few improvements to my HTML Editor control and the way HTML is converted to XML (a few bug fixes).
The HTML Editor control that you see in Figure 1, which you may already be familiar with if you've used DocProject 1.6.0, is based on the WebBrowser control. The WebBrowser control is basically a managed wrapper around Internet Explorer. For the HTML Editor it's a wrapper around IE's design mode, which only produces HTML markup (in some cases, very poor HTML markup.) Sandcastle requires valid XML, so DocProject converts your HTML to XML automatically. The results of the conversion can be viewed in Source mode. The markup that you enter in Source mode is also converted automatically, so don't be surprised if when you forget to add a closing p tag, DocProject adds it for you when switching views or saving your changes :)
The HTML Editor is a work-in-progress, so I expect issues with HTML to XML conversions to spring up every now and then. Please let me know if you experience an error. If you can provide me with the exact steps to reproduce the problem and the markup that you used, I'll do my best to fix parser bugs and improve the editor's usefulness.
Your comments are saved in individual xml files in your DocProject's or DocSite's Comments folder, at the root of the project. An {assembly name}.xml file is created for each assembly and one project.xml file is created to contain the project and namespace summaries. If you prefer you can edit these files using Visual Studio's XML editor. If you haven't edited any API elements for a particular assembly then its XML file will not be present in the Comments folder, but you can create it yourself. The name of an assembly's xml documentation file must be the display name of the assembly with .xml appended to the end or else DocProject will not be able to merge your documentation with imported documentation.
XML documentation that appears in your code is not shown in this dialog. By default, comments created in the dialog overwrite code comments, on a section by section basis; e.g., summary, remarks or example. But you can change this setting to give code comments precedence instead of being overwritten by selecting KeepSource for the Merge xml documentation setting found in Tools > Options > DocProject > Active Projects > Content.
Figure 3: Merge xml documentation options for documentation written in the API Topic Management dialog
As you can see in the figure above, the API Topic Management dialog can be accessed from the option immediately below the Merge xml documentation option.
Xml Documentation Clean-up
If you create documentation for a type that is later removed from your project then the documentation will still remain in the XML file for the assembly in which the API element is defined, however it will no longer be displayed in the API Topic Management dialog so you must remove it from the file manually. In the future I may add a feature that will allow you to clean up your xml documentation files at the click of a button.
API Topic (Shared Content) Designer Improvements
The API Topic Designer uses the new content list editor control and provides a list of content items that you can edit, such as the header, footer and various titles. The items are loaded from the Presentation\Style\Content\shared_content.xml file in your DocProject or DocSite. Changes to the items using the dialog are written directly to this file as well when they are saved. Deleting an item in the file will remove it from the list and adding an item to the file will add it to the list the next time the dialog is opened.
Figure 4: API Topic Designer in 1.7.0
Just like in 1.6.0, the API Topic Designer appears as a step in the New Project Wizard with all of the new features. The header section is the default item selected.
As of the June 2007 CTP release of Sandcastle, presentations have a hard-coded header and footer that will probably be inappropriate for your projects. I've decided not to handle this in DocProject so you must delete the header and footer manually if you do not want them to appear in your documentation. Although the New Project Wizard is a good place to do that, you can still update the header and footer at a later time using the API Topic Designer.
FYI, I've already requested in the forums that the Sandcastle team set these values to empty in the default presentations to save effort on behalf of end-users.
Text-only Content Items
Not all of the items are XML-editable using the API Topic Designer. Most are text-only since there will probably not be a need to use HTML formatting for them. Text-only items only show the Source tab and will escape any XML markup that you enter. To configure which items use the HTML editor on a per-presentation basis you must edit DocProject's configuration file (DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config, normally found in C:\Program Files\Dave Sexton\DocProject\bin):
Figure 5: DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config sharedContentXmlItems attribute
Missing Dependencies List
A while back, around version 1.3.0, I attempted to build documentation for DocProject using DocProject itself but I quickly found that a bug in Sandcastle's MRefBuilder program (actually, CCI) relating to binding redirection prevented me from doing so. In the last version, 1.6.2, I decided to try again but this time I found that DocProject's ReferenceResolver class wasn't able to resolve the Interop.MSHelpCompiler.dll reference (provides the Help 2.x compiler services) for the Sandcastle project (DaveSexton.DocProject.Sandcastle.dll). The problem is that DocProject's Sandcastle assembly is being resolved in the GAC, but the MSHelpCompiler interoperability assembly is not installed in the GAC, so it cannot be found. I do plan to fix this bug in a future release, but since I've expierenced this issue myself I assume that there may be other scenarios that cannot be handled automatically by the reference resolver. This features was added so that users can manually provide the path to dependencies that cannot be resolved automatically.
FYI, nobody has actually mentioned any problems with DocProject's automatic discovery of source dependencies so I assume that this feature will be used quite rarely, if at all. But then again, it must be used by DocProject itself just to build its own documentation ;)
I suggest that you do not use this feature unless you get an error when building. The error will be produced by Sandcastle's MRefBuilder utility and will state something about one or more unresolved dependencies, mentioning the full assembly name as well. From the information in the build output window you should be able to locate and add the missing dependency yourself using the new dialog:
Figure 6: Missing Dependencies List
This dialog is similar to the External Sources dialog that was added to DocProject 1.6.2 RC. You can find both dialogs in Tools > Options > DocProject > Active Projects > Build.
To add an assembly (.dll or .exe that cannot be resolved automatically by DocProject) to the list you must enter the full path and name into the text box in the new row (the row with the *) or click the button with the ellipses on the right side to select a file. You can also edit existing rows or delete rows by clicking the row header and pressing the Delete key.
The button on the left side of each row will map an absolute path to a path that is relative from the project's root directory, like the example path in Figure 6. This is useful for team and build-server scenarios.
External UI
DocProject 1.6.0 provided preliminary support for Visual C# Express and Visual Basic Express editions of Visual Studio. Unfortunately, because add-ins are only supported by Visual Studio Standard and higher, Express users had to manually edit the project files of DocProjects and DocSites to configure them after using the New Project Wizard since all of DocProject's options and dialogs are hosted by the add-in.
DocProject 1.7.0 RC has an external UI that uses a property grid, just like DocProject's Active Projects tools options page, so Express users can configure their DocProjects and DocSites using the same tools as Visual Studio Standard+ users:
Figure 7: DocProject.exe
For Standard+ users, though this feature may be handy at times, I still recommend using Visual Studio in most situations to configure your DocProjects (via the tools options pages) and to build them in Visual Studio since it will automatically build dependency projects for you. Also, the Include Project Output Dialog does not work in the external UI and if you add an image to the XML documentation editor or the API Topic Designer while using the external UI, the image will not be included as a project item in Visual Studio (although it will still be imported into the Art folder - you'll have to Show All Files and include it manually).
Automatically Open the Active DocProject
You can add a link to the program in Visual Studio for quick access by going to Tools > External Tools... and clicking Add (this can be done in Visual Studio Standard and higher as well if desired).
By specifying the arguments in Figure 8 below, when you run the External UI from Visual Studio's Tools menu the program will automatically open the active DocProject or DocSite in Solution Explorer (that is, the project that contains the current file that is opened or the current file/folder that is selected in Solution Explorer).
The DocProjectBuildPath environment variable used in Figure 8 is registered on your system when you install DocProject. It points to DocProject's bin directory, commonly found at C:\Program Files\Dave Sexton\DocProject\bin.
Figure 8: DocProject.exe - Visual Studio Tools Registration
Building DocProjects and DocSites
While developing this program I realized that it would be quite easy to build a DocProject from this interface using DocProject's BuildController class, so I gave it a shot. It actually worked so well that I now build my test DocProjects and DocSites using the GUI for debugging purposes. Breakpoints in code being hosted by Visual Studio's process tend to time-out after a few seconds of inactivity, due to COM issues, but since DocProject.exe is fully-managed it makes it much easier to attach, debug and continue, without having to restart Visual Studio and load up an entire solution.
Figure 9: DocProject.exe build trace
DocProject.exe will not only build your DocProject's or DocSite's help, but will also build the project's assembly output using MSBuild first (remember, DocProjects and DocSites are MSBuild projects). During a build you'll see descriptive status information describing the current step and the progress bar, just like you see in Visual Studio. You can even cancel builds at any time.
The program will also remember some settings for when you restart, such as the last position, size and window state, with multi-monitor support, the position of the toolbars and the height of the build trace window (Figure 9).
Currently, this program does not support DocProjects and DocSites that have managed C++ projects as sources since they can only be built using a solution file, but I plan to look into implementing that feature in a future version of DocProject.
DocProject.exe Extensibility
The code that is used to configure DocProjects and DocSites in Visual Studio Standard+ is the same code that is executed by the external UI. This means that if you have created a custom build engine provider for your organization it will automatically work with the external UI. Not only does this include the options in your DocProjectOptions implementation, which will appear as new properties in the grid, but also any Visual Studio toolbars that are created by your provider will appear as well. For example, in Figure 7 above you can see the Sandcastle toolbar that appears in Visual Studio Standard and higher in the DocProject UI (the right-most toolbar).
Sandcastle and Sandcastle/Deployment are examples of build engine providers that are registered in DocProject's configuration file (DaveSexton.DocProject.dll.config, commonly found in C:\Program Files\Dave Sexton\DocProject\bin). Several of the options that appear in the figures above, including the API Topic Designer and Management Dialogs are provided by the Sandcastle build engine provider plug-in.
The next major How To... article on my to-do list is guidance for creating custom providers that can be used across projects in an organization, but if you feel like testing the waters yourself check out the DaveSexton.DocProject.Sandcastle and DaveSexton.DocProject.DeploymentSandcastle projects in the source code and try creating your own plug-in.
With the 1.7.0 RC, Visual Studio Express users will be able to do much more with DocProject than they could before with the new VS-like external UI. As a documentation author, you'll be able to write long examples and remarks sections using an HTML Editor and store all of the comments in your DocProject's Comments folder, which is merged with your xml code comments automatically before each build. You'll also be able to use the HTML editor to design topics' shared content, such as the header and footer – like before – but with the addition of every other item that appears in Sandcastle's shared_content.xml file as well. And now you can configure your DocProjects and DocSites to reference dependencies that could not be resolved automatically, however rare that might be.
I hope you like the new features and I look forward to receiving your feedback.